Hiatus: Japan Thus Far

*exhale* Okay, I know we’ve kept y’all in the dark, but there were a couple of unforeseen complications that we didn’t factor in prior to our trip. Many of those complications are working themselves out (hence the fact that I’m able to blog), but it isn’t 100% gravy yet, but let’s not harp on the negative and keep it positive.

Japan thus far:

  • The plane ride from Atlanta to Chicago to Tokyo to Nagoya was absolutely no joke. 14 hours on a plane will destroy your mental, but it was made easier due to our plane-friend Cameron, free movies, and delicious meals (Shrimp Curry!!). There was a baby on board, so you can imagine the rest. Let’s just say, no one slept peacefully.
  • Navigating through Japanese airports isn’t really that complicated, but if you’re not paying attention you WILL get lost. We had a potential mix-up, but if you live by this rule “When in doubt, ask someone” then you will make it.
  • Japan is insanely clean. Which is really ironic because there are no trash cans anywhere. The only trash cans I see are the ones near the drink machines. Maybe there is just a basic understanding and respect for where one lives.
  • The International House (our dorm) is really practical and convenient. Our rooms are Japanese style (sliding doors and all). The shower is pretty small and is connected to the sink’s water source, but it works out fine.
  • In Japan you can walk anywhere to get to anywhere. There are bus stops everywhere and those bus stops lead to subways. It’s pretty much all you need to get by.
  • Japanese super markets are also insanely clean. The quality of their produce destroys any Publix back in the states. Also, an added bonus to shopping in Japan, when it gets past 6pm all the fruits, veggies, meats, etc. go on sale. They do this in an effort to keep fresh stock in rotation. I think it’s a great idea (in fact we’re about to hit up Aoki-Supa in a few).

Those are some pretty basic points off the top of my head. We promise to bring you a full blog post once we get into the swing of things. We haven’t really figured out all the ends and outs of Japan yet, but we’re making it through with polite head bows and Arigatou’s.

If you would like to know more immediate news about our journey then check out either one of our Twitters or Facebook (the links are on the right). Once we figure out a proper schedule then you can expect a lot more updates.

Thanks for your patience. 🙂

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